Piano Pt.4

So I’m making some serious progress now and have mastered and memorized Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and London Bridges.

The wonderful Kenna Q gave me some homework and hand practices to do to limber up my piano-hands fluidity and I’ve tried to make the notes as accessible as possible on the song page.

I talked to the Ed Department and have access to the music room on the 2nd floor when it’s available.  Of course, with this access I had to snoop and play around on all the crazy musical instruments when I first got in.

So since the last post I’ve practiced at the Ed Music room on my own, at Kenna G’s and in the Luther Chapel.

I’ll upload the video of the practice in the Luther Chapel when I figure out how to work that cray Quicktime video file into stuff for iMovie and Youtube.

Chow (how the real people say “Ciao”)

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